Product/Service Promotional Blurb (100 words max)
Please be creative and descriptive! This is what we'll use on social media!
Vendor Contract
Winnipeg VegFest welcomes vendors that share and support the mission and goals of our event: a celebration of compassionate vegan living. We require that all vendor materials, literature, handouts, and products reflect our core values.
Winnipeg VegFest defines veganism as being free of any animal ingredients or processes that harm or exploit animals. Animal ingredients include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, honey, wool, leather, fur, silk, shells, or any other product derived from animals. All products and services sold, sampled, or displayed must be vegan. In addition, no products or services will be allowed that have been tested on animals. The promotion of events or services that include the exploitation of animals, such as circuses, rodeos, zoos, etc., is also prohibited at the event.
All literature and information displayed or distributed must include only vegan products and services. Winnipeg VegFest reserves the right to prohibit the display of any materials or products that, at its sole discretion, are not in keeping with the nature and character of the event.
Winnipeg VegFest reserves the right to eject any vendor that, after being warned, continues to display prohibited materials or products.
Winnipeg VegFest’s hours of operation are Saturday, September 9, 20223 from 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. at the University of Winnipeg. Vendor tables must be staffed and open for the entire duration of Winnipeg VegFest.
All vendors must clearly identify their vendor tables/tents with signs and/or banners. Vendor displays and signs must be on tables or attached to the backing board behind your table. Banners cannot be taped to walls or windows. All signage should be legible and easily visible.
Vendors agree to not interfere with the safety, success, and effectiveness of Winnipeg VegFest. This includes, but is not limited to, behaviour, display materials, literature, venue equipment, or operations, unusual odors, noise level, or extending beyond exhibitor space and/or blockage of public passageways.
Non-profit vendors are welcome to solicit donations, sell products, and solicit contact info from attendees. For-profit vendors are welcome to solicit contact info from attendees and sell products. All vendors are encouraged to offer vegan product samples.
All vendors are expected to conduct themselves with the highest standards of decorum and good taste. Winnipeg VegFest reserves the right to eject exhibitors violating these guidelines.
To ensure the safety of all participants, fire regulations, health and all other applicable ordinances must be strictly observed.
All vendor fee payments must be made by August 7, 2023. Payments made to Winnipeg VegFest are non-refundable. Should any contingency, including inclement weather, interrupt or prevent the holding of the Winnipeg VegFest, Winnipeg VegFest shall not be liable to vendors.
Location assignments will be determined at the sole and absolute discretion of Winnipeg VegFest. The contracted vending space is to be used solely for the vendor or whose name appears on the signed contract, and it is agreed that the vendor will not sublet or assign any portion of the space without written permission from Winnipeg VegFest.
Vendors are solely responsible for setting up and dismantling their exhibits.
Winnipeg VegFest will provide each vendor with one 10x10 spot. Restaurant vendors be responsible for bringing their own vendor tent, tables, and chairs.
The University grounds will be open on Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 9:00 am to begin the vendor set up. All vendor booths must be set up by 10:45 am.
Vendors may begin dismantling their exhibits at 6:00 pm on Saturday, September 9, 2023. All materials must be removed from the venue by 7:30 pm. A $50 cleaning fee may be charged, at the discretion of Winnipeg VegFest, to vendors who do not leave their booth and surrounding area clean.
All exhibitors offering food will be subjected to inspection as per the requirements of Manitoba Health. All food vendors must fill out a Manitoba health form.
Food court vendors should bring at least 300 servings in total.
Winnipeg VegFest is a green event. All utensils, plates, containers and packaging must be biodegradable and/or compostable.
Vendors are welcome to bring their own biodegradable food service items to the venue. Vendors also can purchase biodegradable service items from Diversity Foods Inc., through Winnipeg VegFest. If vendors choose to purchase service items they must notify Winnipeg VegFest of their intent by August 7, 2023. Vendors using non-biodegradable service items (e.g. plastic or styrofoam containers, straws, utensils) will subject to an immediate venue fine of $300. If a vendor continues to use non-biodegradable service items, after paying the initial fine, Winnipeg VegFest reserves the right to remove the vendor from the festival.
In addition, vendors are not permitted to sell bottled water. Water stations will be provided by Winnipeg VegFest.
If vendors bring food samples, they must also have a trash can at their booth.
Our facility has numerous bins marked for garbage, composting, and recycling. All vendors are encouraged to act in an environmentally responsible way; garbage and recycling must be placed in the appropriate bins in accordance with the labels on containers.
Vendors are responsible for the security of their own property and equipment at all times. By agreeing to become a vendor at the festival, the vendor acknowledges and agrees that Winnipeg VegFest is not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to any property left on the event grounds at any time.
All vendors grant Winnipeg VegFest permission to use and/or replicate photographs and video taken during the event, including pictures of their staff, volunteers, and displays.
Graphic imagery should only be presented to attendees who “opt in” to seeing it. Therefore, graphic imagery is not acceptable in vendor displays that are viewable by general passersby. Graphic imagery is acceptable in leaflets, virtual reality headsets, or other media through which attendees can choose to view such imagery.
Neither Winnipeg VegFest, the University of Winnipeg, nor any of their respective officers, agents, employees, contractors, facilities, volunteers, representatives or assigns shall be liable for, and the vendor hereby releases them from, any claims for damage, loss, expense, harm, or injury or death to the person, property or business of the vendor and/or any of its visitors, officers, agents, employees, contractors, or other representatives, resulting from theft, fire, water, unavailability of the facility, uncontrollable events, third parties, accident or any other reason in connection with the display at the Festival. The vendor hereby indemnifies, and shall defend and protect Winnipeg VegFest and hold Winnipeg VegFest, any co-sponsor and venue provider, innocent and not liable for any and all claims, demands, suits, liability, damages, losses, costs, attorney’s fees, and expenses which might result or arise from the vendor’s participation in the Festival or any actions of the vendor’s officers, agents, employees, contractors, or other representatives. Under no circumstance will Winnipeg VegFest or the venue provider be liable for lost profits or other incidental or consequential damages for any of their acts or omissions whatsoever whether or not appraised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages or lost profits. In no event shall Winnipeg VegFest’s liability, under any circumstance, exceed the amount actually paid to it by the vendor. Winnipeg VegFest makes no representations or warranties regarding the number or identity of persons who will attend the Festival. Winnipeg VegFest has made every effort to select sponsors and vendors that reflect our core Values. Participation by a sponsor or vendor at the festival is not an endorsement by Winnipeg VegFest, and Winnipeg VegFest makes no warranty or representation regarding any sponsor or vendor, or its offers, products, services, information, or advice. Winnipeg VegFest specifically disclaims any responsibility or liability for any injury or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered by an attendee as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to an attendee’s patronage of a sponsor or vendor.
By clicking this button, you agree to the above terms.